Dragonball Z: Top 10 Strongest Characters

Dragonball Z is one of the most well known anime in the world, inspiring a horde of spin-offs, movies and video games which are still being produced today. It’s a brilliant anime for many reasons; the animation matures well as the series progresses, the music is brilliant, and the plot always manages to drag up an enemy more insane than the last! Yet one thing which puts Dragonball Z above a lot of other anime is its insanely large and varied host of characters. The series incorporates sci-fi and magical elements, which means the cast is made up of wizards and space warriors alike.

This list details who are, in my opinion, the 10 strongest characters in Dragonball Z. Also included in the list are a few characters from Dragonball GT, where the power levels and might of the characters becomes even more insane! Some of these choices might seem a little unconventional, but strength isn’t always physical (see number 6)Just a warning – the article below contains spoilers!


10. Nail

Nail is the guardian of Guru, the creator of the Namekian Dragonballs. He is a quiet and honourable character, and is also the strongest Namekian. Similar in appearance to Piccolo, he has all the same powers, including regeneration.

He makes the list as he bravely sacrifices himself in order to prevent Frieza from getting his hands on the Dragonballs. Close to death, he gives up all his remaining strength to fuse with Piccolo, allowing him to continue his fight for Namek.

9. Super Buu (Gohan absorbed)

Super Buu is the fusion between Majin Buu and the Buu of pure evil. In his first form alone he is a match for Gotenks, but after absorbing Gotenks, Piccolo and Gohan he is almost unstoppable.

Able to perform a wide range of attacks, like Gotenks’ super ghost kamikaze attack, he makes the list as he can hold Goku and Vegeta at bay. In fact Super But is only held in check when the two saiyans combine with the Potara as Vegito. Unfortunately for Buu he has a few weaknesses, his cockiness being one of them!

8. Future Trunks

Future Trunks comes from an alternate timeline where over 75% of the earth’s population has been killed by the androids. Not only that, but the main Z fighters, namely Goku and Vegeta, are dead. In the absence of his father, Trunks is trained by his mentor Gohan, and the two play cat and mouse with the androids until Gohan sacrifices himself to save Trunks.

Trunks makes the list as he is willing to leave everything behind, including his mother Bulma, to save the past. He is also a formidable fighter, able to become Super Saiyan and destroy Mecha Frieza in one blow!

7. Nuova Shenron

Nuova Shenron is the fifth evil dragon to be fought by Goku and Pan, and the most unconventional too. Uncharacteristically honourable for a shadow dragon, he values fairness in battle above all else. He is able to burn with a temperature higher than the sun, and is also incredibly fast.

He makes the list because of his honourable actions in battle, and the fact that he overcomes his inherently evil nature. Not only does he prevent Eis Shenron from using underhand tactics to defeat Goku, but eventually sacrifices himself to save Goku.

6. Bulma

Bulma is the longest running female character in the Dragonball franchise. Daughter of the founder of Capsule Corp, she’s Goku’s first friend, and follows him and the other Z fighters to the very end of GT.

A bit of a loudmouth who always speaks her mind, Bulma makes the list because she keeps in check two of the strongest willed characters in the series. She serves as an unorthodox guiding hand for Goku in Dragonball, and later as Vegeta’s conscience as he comes to terms with his place on planet Earth.

5. Vegeta

Vegeta is the prince of Saiyans, and son of King Vegeta. He’s first encountered on his quest to find the Dragonballs, and is introduced as a cold-hearted killer who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. This determination is Vegeta’s main strength, and he is characterised as someone who will never give up, which is the main unifying characteristic between him and Goku.

Vegeta is one of the strongest characters in terms of fighting power, but also mental strength. He is the character who arguably had the most attention paid to character development; Vegeta changed from an unrepentant villain to one of the main protagonists, eventually sacrificing himself to save his family and the Earth.

4. Omega Shenron

In the final episodes of GT, just when you thought Syn Shenron couldn’t get any more powerful, he transformed into Omega Shenron. With all of the power of the shadow dragons combined, he is the most powerful villain in the entirety of the series of Dragonball, Z and GT, and is entirely bent on destroying the Z fighters!

Of course Omega Shenron’s physical might is the reason he places so high on the list. He cuts an imposing figure at 8 feet tall, and is as strong as he looks, being able to stand up to the onslaught of SS4 Goku and Vegeta!

3. SS4 Gogeta

There’s only one character in the Dragonball GT arc who can swat around Omega Shenron; it’s SS4 Gogeta, the fusion of Goku and Vegeta when they are both at super saiyan 4. The fusion of Earth’s most powerful warriors, Gogeta is the strongest fighter in the Dragonball series.

Gogeta is placed high on the list because of his incredible power. However Gogeta inherits Vegeta’s cockiness and Goku’s tendency to be a bit of a joker, the result being that Gogeta tends to toy with his enemies. In addition, his unprecedented power leads to Gogeta’s main weakness, as at SS4 the fusion doesn’t last the normal 30 minutes, but only 10 minutes!

2. Shenron

Who said Shenron wasn’t a character?! Shenron is the all powerful wish-granting dragon of earth, who lives in the Earth’s burning core until he is summoned. Shenron grants three wishes to any who can summon the seven Dragonballs.

Shenron almost tops the list as in his ultimate form (summoned by the black star Dragonballs) he can grant almost any wish. So devastating is his power that if the Dragonballs are not collected from across the galaxy after they are used, the earth will be destroyed!

1. Goku

It might seem predictable, but of course Goku is going to top the list! The longest running character in the series, Goku grows from a saiyan child in Dragonball, to the most powerful warrior in the universe at the end of GT.

Goku tops this list because of his combined physical and character strength. In terms of his physical strength he never fails to overpower any villain, being the first saiyan to transform to the legendary level of super saiyan 4. However his kind heart is arguably his greatest strength. Often he overcomes evil with the help of his friends, and has put himself before them time and time again when saving the earth.

So there you have it! Did you expect all of these characters? Are there any characters you think should be included too? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Also, if you’re a hardcore fan you’ll have heard about the new movie coming to theatres this year: Dragonball Z Resurrection ‘F’. It features Frieza’s new form, and if you’re lucky enough to live in Japan you can see it right now!

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