Kyoto Animation’s Violet Evergarden Listed as 2017 TV Anime (Updated)

Composer and lyricist management company MiracleBus posted on May 1 that Evan Call is handling the music and Takahiro Ikeda is the music director for Kyoto Animation‘s Violet Evergarden anime. The anime is listed on both their pages as a 2017 television anime.

Kyoto Animation announced an anime project based on author Kana Akatsuki and illustrator Akiko Takase‘s Violet Evergarden novel in May 2016, and has streamed two animated commercials (below) from director and storyboard artist Taichi Ishidate. Takase served as character designer and animation director for the videos.

Kyoto Animation describes the story:

KA Esuma Bunko published the novel series’ two volumes in Japan in December 2015 and December 2016. The novels won the grand prize in the fifth Kyoto Animation Award program’s novel category in 2014. The win marked the first time that any work won a grand prize in any of the contest’s three categories (novel, scenario, and manga).

Thanks to Colin for the news tip.

Update: While MiracleBus’ website lists Violet Evergarden as a 2017 series, Kyoto Animation is listing an “advance screening” of Violet Evergarden on October 21. Fall television anime usually premiere around early October, and winter anime usually premiere the following year. If Violet Evergarden is a standard television anime series, an advanced screening on October 21 would imply a 2018 premiere. Kyoto Animation has not confirmed the format or the release window of the anime. Thanks, alecchi and Kevin Cirugeda.

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