Dragon Ball Super Just Revealed Gogeta Vs Broly Fight Clip From The Movie!

Hey guys! How’s it going on!? I just can’t believe what’s happening right now! Bandai Namco is on fire today! First, we had the brand new music video leaks from the movie which focused on the fighting  scenes of the movie. 3 of the shots are supposedly from the ending of the movie where the final clash with Broly occurs. If you still haven’t seen the video, you can go to our page or website to check them out, it’s been recently posted only.

The next thing we have today is that we just got a brand new trailer type of video for the upcoming movie – Dragon Ball Super: Broly. It features and reveals Gogeta for everyone! It literally starts with Gogeta and then Gogeta with all these flashy moves. I am just blown away. They may as well just drop the movie now! I think they did this as a French youtuber recently leaked Gogeta reveal pics on internet and thought, well let’s just hype it up!

Well, whoever is awake right now is pretty lucky as today is the day we get another trailer which is packed up with a lot of action and drama. I hope you like this trailer as the other people in community did. The people on reddit and twitter are going crazy over this trailer. Even I am so excited for the movie now, they are really hyping us up over this movie. I think the last time we were this excited was when Ultra Instinct came out. Let’s watch the trailer now!

Okay, guys you can watch the official HD trailer #4 of Dragon Ball Super: Broly right above. We all thought that the trailer would be released around next week but we got it today so I guess we are pretty lucky? Even I was pretty much blown away after seeing the trailer. Well, enough talk about the craziness and awesomeness about this new trailer and let’s finally watch the official trailer now! I am really excited for this seriously. I am getting chills!

I am pretty sure that all of you must have so many questions regarding the events shown in trailer. Gogeta is just so damn powerful! We get to see Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta in action and I think this is going to be the best thing about the movie. Gogeta also has so many new moves and the color, animation, EVERYTHING is amazing about it. The details, the animation, the music, nearly everything was perfect in this. I just want to see the movie right now!

How did you guys like the trailer!? Wasn’t it really awesome? I think the way they are pulling it off is pretty good. The direction they showed was also remarkable. Broly is going to be one tough guy to beat for sure. They are going to keep some good moments for our Prince Vegeta too there. There’s going to be Gogeta too in the movie but I don’t think he’s the one who is going to defeat Broly. It might be both Goku and Vegeta together instead.

It also seems that Goku won’t be going Ultra Instinct in the movie. There were a lot of rumors saying that Ultra Instinct Goku will defeat Broly but I don’t think that will happen. It really won’t be a good fight if they just bring in Ultra Instinct. This movie is all about a Saiyan’s limit and their infinite strength. It’s about how they keep getting stronger, etc. Well are you guys happy seeing this trailer? What do you think of it? Let me know in the comments down below!

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