New Anime Convention is Solely for People With Those Ahegao Shirts

MIAMI, FL — The first ever Ahegao-con will take place this weekend, attracting thousands of people who wear that one shirt emblazoned with a bunch of orgasming hentai faces to anime conventions around the country. The people in attendance, who are all hilarious due to their choice of attire, will be treated to special guests and panels about how funny those crazy shirts are.

The dealers hall will feature over 50 different vendors, giving attendees a chance to buy more bootleg ahegao shirts or other equally funny-because-it’s-ironic shirts such as the one that says “in search for a Japanese girlfriend” in Japanese. Oppai mousepads, Funko Pops, and Lootcrate’s booth round out the offerings in the dealers hall.

Unique to Ahegao-con, the convention takes place aboard a cruise ship docked in Miami harbor. The soon-to-be-decommissioned cruise ship can hold more than 2,000 people, and will double as a hotel as well as the convention space. Convention organizer Steven Elwood mentioned that he was able to acquire the ship for a relatively low price.

“I just have so much admiration for these genuinely extraordinary people I see at every anime convention proudly displaying their shirts to everyone glancing their way,” Elwood told Anime Maru.

“They deserve this wonderful convention this weekend and the opportunity to party on this luxurious cruise ship whose moorings I am definitely not planning to cut in the middle of the night and drive out to sea.”

At the conclusion of the interview, Elwood mentioned how strange of a coincidence it is that the United States Navy was conducting submarine exercises this weekend.

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