Rocks – A Legendary Pirate Crew Revealed in One Piece Chapter 907

Rocks is a person or a group of people mentioned in Chapter 907 who were extremely prominent and defined an era that lasted until Gol D. Roger’s rise to prominence as the Pirate King.

Not much is known about Rocks, especially among those who grew up after their time. They seem to have been powerful, given their prominence prior to Roger’s time and the fact that Garp could not imagine what the Marines would do if they came back into power. Garp is connected to them in some way, with Hina suggesting that he got the distinction of “Hero of the Marines” from dealing with them.

In chapter 907 Big Mom contacts Kaido and tells him that she intends to be the one to kill Luffy, saying that Kaido still owes her a great debt from a long time ago. Linlin insists that they cooperate on this. What if Big Mom and Kaido are former members of Rocks Pirates?

Recently Oda stated that a legend which lurks in the One Piece World will be introduced in Wano and it will be Luffy’s greatest enemy ever.

Is Rocks the Lurking Legend coming in Wano arc?

Is he the “certain Pirate” that Shanks is talking to the Gorosei about?!

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