Big Mom will destroy Fishman Island

Big Mom will destroy Fishman Island

As the news of Luffy’s exploits at Totto Land spread across the world, Neptune read about it on the newspaper and learned that Jinbe joined Luffy’s crew. Given Jinbe’s actions against Big Mom, Neptune planned to declare Fishman Island under the Straw Hats’ protection. As Shirahoshi decided to accompany her family, they were ready to depart for the Reverie.

Big Mom will destroy Fishman Island

Now we can combine this with Madam Shirley’s prophecy about the destruction of Fishman Island.

Big Mom will destroy Fishman Island

We may speculate that there’s at least a small possibility that Big Mom is gonna wage war to Fishman Island, which may lead to its destruction.

Another thing I’d like to point out is the purpose of Noah. Remember that huge ship that was supposed to carry the fishmen in the humans world?

Big Mom will destroy Fishman Island

My argument is: why there was the need of a ship for fishmen, given the fact that their natural habitat is the sea?


Big Mom will destroy Fishman Island

Big Mom’s gonna destroy Fishman Island
Fishmen will be forced to move to the human’s world
Noah could be their “new Home” at least for a while


Big Mom will destroy Fishman Island

All of this might actually happen while Shiraoshi and King Neptune are attending the Reverie.

Shirahoshi as we all know might be kidnapped too, leading to a huge problem for Fishmen and everybody else too (her being an Ancient Weapon).

*Theory by AName

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