Will Hanabi Train Boruto And Himawari?

To begin with, again this is all my personal opinion, so don’t take it too serious. Also if you liked my idea please let me know in the comments below with what you think and what your theories are! Thanks and lets get started!

Will Hanabi Train Boruto And Himawari?

So starting off, with Boruto and Himawari being the children of Hinata, they’re half Hyuga. But, more importantly they’re also heirs to the Main Branch to look over the Hyuga Clan before Hanabi. In part 1 of Naruto, Hinata and Hanabi’s father did say that Hinata was too weak to inherit the heir and rule over the Main Branch of the Family and that Hanabi would inherit it instead.

Will Hanabi Train Boruto And Himawari?

However ever since Hinata’s growth in Shippuden as well as her kids being the children of the Hokage and the first born of the Hyuga, it is more than likely Hinata will inherit the Clan and pass it off to Boruto or Himawari if it is ok by the rets of the Clan’s approval!

Will Hanabi Train Boruto And Himawari?

With that out of the way, we can focus on the future and why Hanabi would be the one to train the kids. Its not that Hinata wont be available to help train, however seeing as how we haven’t seen Hanabi in the Boruto series, we can give her a role in the story aside from being another character that is juts there.

Will Hanabi Train Boruto And Himawari?

She is now connected to the main character as Naruto’s sister in law and aunt to Naruto and Hinata’s children. So more involvement with the Hyuga Clan would be better development for everyone overall! Hanabi would be the best to train Boruto and Himawari seeing as how she matched Hinata all throughout the series.

Will Hanabi Train Boruto And Himawari?

She was said to be the prodigy of the Main Branch whereas Neji was the prodigy of the Side Branch. SO her training the kids would be beneficial seeing as how them learning the Hyuga Palm fighting taijutsu is a gift and not taught outside of the family. We do see Boruto using some sort of that Taijutsu against Shikadai and in Storm 4, however since they’re only half Hyuga, I don’t know how far they will go as to teaching the kids their Clan’s techniques.

Its a really interesting theory when you think about it, it would go more in depth into family ties and seeing how far the Hyuga Clan has changed since Part 1 of Naruto with their way of destiny.

With that said, I hope you all enjoyed the article!

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