Top 10 Rich Anime Characters That Even Put Bill Gates to Shame

Anime is filled with the adventures of the super rich and has loads of characters with money as a key defining characteristic.

In anime, just like the real world, sometimes money is power. So check out our list of top 10 rich anime characters, some of them might even put Bill Gates to shame!

10. Akihiko Kayaba from Sword Art Online

Top 10 Rich Anime Characters That Even Put Bill Gates to Shame

Akihiko created the Nerve Gear as a way of accessing the virtual reality world Sword Art Online. This virtual reality helmet effectively transports the user’s mind into the virtual world of the video, causing an immersive experience like none ever seen before.

This new, exciting technology made him very rich very fast. Unfortunately, he also turned out to be something of a mad scientist who wanted to play god.

9. Mr. Outside from Eden of the East

Not just anyone can give 12 strangers 10 billion yen to save Japan. There’s also his ridiculous political clout to consider. How did he get the prime minister to say “uncle”?

8. Lala Satalin Deviluke from To LOVE-Ru

Lala is the princess of the alien world Deviluke. As the princess of an entire planet, it is not hard to image that she is loaded. But despite growing up with a life of wealth, she is not so attached to money that it controls her life.

7. Roger Smith from The Big O

Roger Smith, the playboy millionaire, is the anime equivalent of Bruce Wayne by not only resembling Bruce quite a bit, but by also having his own version of a bat cave that holds his “Megadeus,” Giant robot named, “Big O”.

On top of his massive amount of wealth, this single rich boy has a difficult job that requires him to fight both hand to hand combat, as well as with other Megadeus’ by using Big O.


6. Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club

Tamaki is the richest student at a school built exclusively for the elite and the president of the Ouran Host Club. The members of the club are the richest and hottest boys of the school who all work together to ensure their guest all feel like princess.

Not the mention the fact they use such lavish decoration in their clubroom only scratches the surface of how wealthy they are.

5. Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji

After his parents were mysteriously murdered and the family mansion burned down, Ciel found himself as the sole survivor to the Phantomhive name. Despite this tragic turn of events, he actually managed to strengthen his family’s wealth and riches, taking up the title of the Queen’s Guard Dog by policing the criminal underworld in the process.

4. Keigo Atobe from Prince of Tennis

Keigo is the highly charismatic heir to the Atobe Conglomerate. Not only is he a rich pretty boy, his athletic abilities are not to be taken lightly as the captain of the tennis club and the student body president.

3. Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh!

Seto is pretty much the type of rich bad boy that you either love or hate, with his famous lines about how rich he is constantly being thrown about through the series. As the CEO of Kaiba Corporation, Seto truly embodies someone who is used to having things go his way and feels that he can use money to get whatever he wants in life.

2. Mina Tepes from Dance in the Vampire Bund

The premise of Dance in the Vampire Bund is that Japan has allowed Mina Tepes to build an artificial island off their coast in order to give the vampires of the world a place to call home. They allowed this after Mina paid off the entire national debt of their country, which sat at around trillion dollars at the time.

Her personal finances seemed in no way affected by this payment, with her life of wealth continuing on as it had before. Considering how much debt the country owed, she may have even owned some of the debt that Japan owed and simply forgave it.


1. Bulma from Dragon Ball

Bulma’s father Dr. Briefs is the inventor of capsule technology – small devices that allow for the miniaturization of any size object that have made transporting, for example, cars in your pocket possible. As the inventors of this technology, they have a complete monopoly on the global capsule market.

It is never stated exactly how rich their family is but their home includes an internal forest and at one point Bulma has built multiple intergalactic spaceships for her friends while asking for nothing in return. As the sole heir to her father’s legacy, both intellectually and monetarily, Bulma may be the richest person on Earth, or any other planet for that matter.

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