Fans Pick Their “Top 10 Summer 2015 Anime Opening Themes”

A recent online poll on Akiba Sōken’s Anime Portal website asked Japanese fans to rank their favorite opening themes from TV anime for the Summer 2015 season.


The voting lasted from August 17 to September 23, 2015, and participants were allowed to pick up to 7 candidates from a list of 44 total. A total of 3238 votes were cast, and the top 10 results were:



10.) “Makuranodanshi” from Makuranodanshi. (94 votes)



9.) “Kodama Kotodama” from Non Non Biyori Repeat. (97 votes)



8.) “Clattanoia” from Overlord. (104 votes)



7.) “GATE ~Sore wa Akatsuki no Yō ni~” from GATE. (118 votes)



6.) “Friend Shitai” from SCHOOL-LIVE!. (120 votes)



5.) “Yasashii Kibō” from Snow White with the Red Hair. (172 votes)



4.) “Shine!!” from The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls 2nd Season. (192 votes)



3.) “Ai no Prison” from Prison School. (282 votes)



2.) “Bravely You” from Charlotte. (517 votes)



1.) “Kakushin Teki Me Tamaru Fo~ze~!” from Himouto! Umaru-chan. (536 votes)


What do you think? Are any of these Summer 2015 TV anime opening themes destined for greatness?


Source: Akiba Sōken

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