22 White Lies All Anime Fans Say

1. I’ll go to bed after one more episode.

Image © Kyoto Animation


2. I only watched 4 or 5 episodes before passing out.

Image © Studio Deen


3. I watched all of Clannad and didn’t shed a tear.

Image © Kyoto Animation


4. Don’t worry mom, that figure only cost, like,

Image © Hobby Search


5. No, her clothes don’t come off…you don’t have to check!

Image © Penguin Parade


6. That package is full of school books.

Image © Shaft


7. I only spent 0 at the convention.


8. There is no hentai on my computer.

Image © Wit Studio


9. Seriously guys, I’ve never played an eroge.


10. I, uh, watched it for the plot!

Image © Arms

11. I’m above watching ecchi shows, I’m an adult.


12. Of course I’m busy studying and not spending my time watching anime.

Image © P.A. Works


13. That copy of So I Can’t Play H? is not mine, but a friends. I don’t know why he left it here! No, I didn’t watch it!

Image Feel


14. I only watch anime with deep stories, rich symbolism, and character development.

Image © Diomedéa


15. My sister put that song on my iPod!


16. I can’t hang out this weekend, I’m busy.

Image © A-1 Pictures / Ordet


17. I spend my money wisely and not just on anime and figures.

Image © A-1 Pictures


18. I would never troll someone’s taste in anime.

Image © Brain’s Base


19. I never said your waifu was shit.


20. I would never watch a magical girl anime, those are for kids

Image © Studio Gokumi


21. I will never get involved with shipping.

22. I know exactly what happened in Neon Genesis Evangelion. No, I did not read about it online…pleb.



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