Official statement from Kyoto Animation about the fire

Kyoto Animation has posted a statement regarding the tragedy which occurred on July 18, 2019.

Please keep in mind that the translation might not be 100% accurate but I have done my best to be as faithful to the source as much as possible.

About the 18th of July.

On the 1st Year of the Reiwa era on the 18th of July at around 10:30 am this tragedy happened.

Not only has the future of the young generation who dreamed of becoming animators has been damaged, but employees of our company have also been taken and hurt.

We had young people who dreamed of becoming an animator from across Japan who was injured and taken from us.

We have had employee’s future stolen from us. We are speechless.

They are talented and made an excellent team.

This is a huge loss for this industry and our company.

Regarding this case, all details are from the Fushimi police.

We have no further comment about this case.

Our first focus is to take care of our employee families and relatives who have been injured and hurt. To those who have passed away, we will do as much as we can.

All media questions will be handled by our lawyer.

Please respect our decision to not accept interviews or talking with the media directly for now. You can contact our lawyer below.

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