Oda has just revealed the first Marine known to possess Conqueror’s Haki

New info on Marines revealed in the recent One Piece Vivre Card Starter Set 2.

Admiral Issho

Age: 54

Height: 270 cm

Motto: Reasonable Justice

Devil Fruit: Zushi Zushi no Mi

Origin: Grand Line

Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku

Age: 79

Height: 278 cm

Motto: Reigning Justice

Devil Fruit: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu

Haki: Armament, Observation and Conqueror’s.

Origin: South Blue

*Sengoku is one of the few who knows all the top secrets of the World Government.

Monkey D. Garp

Age: 78

Height: 287 cm

Haki: Armament and Observation.

Origin: East Blue


Age: 76

Height: 204 cm

Motto: Pure Justice

Devil Fruit: Woshu Woshu no Mi

Haki: Armament and Observation.

Origin: North Blue

*13 years ago she used to chase Doflamingo because of his infamous family name.


Age: 59

Height: 298 cm

Motto: Lazy Justice; Burning Justice(formerly)

Devil Fruit: Hie Hie no Mi

Haki: Armament and Observation.

Origin: South Blue

*Kuzan’s card is not of Blue Color (for Marines) or Black Colour (for Blackbeard Pirates) but instead of Green Colour (for Civilian)

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