Jump Festa Reveals Akira Toriyama & Toyotaro’s Comments On Their Next Work!

Hey guys! How’s it going on!? Today I have something REALLY special for you guys. I want to talk about something which shook the whole world and then suddenly disappeared on us. I am talking about Dragon Ball Super. I still remember the day when the anime was announced and everyone, literally everyone on social media just went crazy. That photo of Goku and Goten went so viral, I am sure even you guys would remember it.

The Dragon Ball Super TV series ended back in March with only 131 episodes in it’s first season. Even though the news of it ending, came out weeks before, people were completely in denial. People were saying it is false news or this cannot happen, etc.. Some people were even not accepting it after the show ended, I am sure if you google Dragon Ball Super ep 132, you will find a lot of results with fake episodes too. Well, that is the past now.

I am sure everyone is eagerly waiting for the TV series to return but it’s been months and till now we didn’t get any official announcements over this topic. A lot of rumors were flying around that there is going to be a big announcement for Dragon Ball Super in Jump Festa. Some more teases and hints came from popular Youtubers on Twitter as well over the past few weeks. Well, I think something else is gonna happen.

Well, the official Dragon Ball Super panel is over in Jump Festa and we still haven’t gotten any news about the Dragon Ball Super anime returning but we have got some other crazy comments from Akira Toriyama and Toyotaro which sent twitter on a frenzy. Apparently, official Shonen Jump tweeted a ‘super duper rough translation’ which kinda made it seem like we are getting a new movie instead of an anime which was just surprising.

Well, that sounded a bit crazy so all the people online started looking for more accurate translations and then in the end we got one full proper translation which cleared the air. Thanks to @saiyajedi, the correct translation came in front of us – “To all boys, adult [men] with the hearts of boys, and the perhaps-few-in-number women who understand the hearts of boys, by all means please see [the movie] and get fired up. 

For me personally, the work “Dragon Ball” is nothing but fighting, which to be perfectly frank, isn’t something I like all that much (laughs), but for some reason, it’s this really fun, mysterious work that gets me excited when I’m coming up with a story. Like that, I’m now an old geezer through and through, but I’m also working on the next work. Let’s meet again sometime in my next work.” It’s ‘next work’ and not a movie actually.

Also the next crazy thing was Toyotaro’s comments. Seems like people completely forgot about Toyotaro, everyone was so focused on Toriyama that they kinda missed this thing out. I really don’t know how accurate this translation is but as it doesn’t seem so outrageous or unrealistic, I think this is good to go. You can read the translation given in the images above which really makes you think hard. What are they even doing?

Toyotaro says, “A completely new work that hasn’t become an anime yet and can only be enjoyed as a manga…” Anime yet? What is he playing at? Just confirm it that there’s going to be an anime. A lot of us fans are getting really restless over this small piece of information now. Even then he goes on says that it can be enjoyed as a manga only so it’s like telling us, just wait you will get the details soon enough? You can interpret it like this, I guess.

I am pretty sure everyone was expecting the TV series to return but we really didn’t get any concrete information. Well, even now we don’t have any official confirmation about it’s return and when it would be appearing on our screens once again.  Still it seems really crazy that they can just reveal the Dragon Ball Super anime return suddenly any time. This seems really bad for my heart though. They really like to tease all of us.

The movie was just released and its gonna take months to cover it’s international release as well. I think instead of adapting the movie, they should just jump right into this new Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc the Dragon Ball Super manga is currently covering. The new arc is being supervised by Akira Toriyama anyway so it’s pretty good for us. Also, to be honest, whatever content we have seen about the new arc till now in the manga is really good.

If you are unaware about the new arc, let me give you a quick overview over it. So the arc is about this prisoner which has escaped from Galactic Patrol’s prison. The prisoner’s name is Moro, who has been a prisoner for over 10 million years and was personally subdued by Grand Supreme Kai himself. The Grand Supreme Kai used his Divine/Godly Power to seal Moro and his magic but it seems like the magic has returned.

So this new guy named Merus, the #1 guy at Galactic Patrol wants the Grand Supreme Kai to help them again catch this prisoner. Well, we all know he’s inside Buu and Buu isn’t gonna wake up anytime soon. So Goku and Vegeta are also caught up in this and now they somehow join the Galactic Patrol too. Now they will help Merus to find and catch the prisoner, Moro as his power is getting stronger day by day. It’s really intense.

I am pretty sure you would love this new arc. If you still haven’t read the manga chapters, you can do that on their official Shonen Jump Viz site. They only have official English translated chapters of all the manga so you don’t have to put in extra effort to find them. Well, that’s it for now. I hope this piece of news have made you happy. Please share this article with everyone if possible and also let me know your thoughts down below!

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