Otaku in Japan Left Embarrassed After Osaka Earthquake Topples Hidden Ecchi Anime Collection

Rooms jammed full of anime collectibles suddenly turned into X-rated disaster zones after the quake hit. At 7:58 a.m. on 18 June, residents in Osaka were jolted by the strongest earthquake to hit the region in decades. While people outside had to deal with transport delays and traffic disruptions immediately afterwards, those inside found themselves fixing fallen furniture and broken items around the home.

For Osaka’s otaku geek community, though, the earthquake had other ramifications. As avid collectors of anime merchandise, the quake toppled carefully stored books, figurines and other related goods, creating scenes of disarray which they were quick to share online.

Figure-loving otaku, on the other hand, were faced with the unsettling sight of headless figurines.



けど‥‥ベジータだけ大被害‥‥(´;ω;`) pic.twitter.com/WB2Vvz8E8o

— さっちょん(*´◇`*) (@ifyou13t) June 17, 2018

Some otaku found themselves in more awkward situations when their adult merch became dislodged from the places where they’d been carefully hidden.

▼ This anime body pillow was crushed under a pile of ecchi anime.

In the words of this Twitter user: “Hey! Because of the earthquake, the erotic fanzines I’d stashed away were exposed to my mum!!!”

おい!地震のせいで俺がエロ同人隠し持ってんの母親にバレたんだが!!! pic.twitter.com/oBW4THmGWp

— セレン (@dopamn) June 17, 2018


This particular tweet struck a chord with otaku around the country, quickly racking up tens of thousands of likes and retweets as other erotic-fanzine-owning geeks vowed to find more secure hiding locations in light of this embarrassing incident.

This unexpected turn of events is a cautionary tale for anyone living in an earthquake-prone area. And it’s not something to be taken lightly, either, given that people have been killed by falling piles of erotic magazines before.

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