‘Dragon Ball FighterZ’ Trailer Teases Story Mode & New Original Character

Namco Bandai has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball FighterZ featuring an original character named Android 21 and the title’s story mode. Android 21 is a cyborg that represents the nefarious Red Ribbon Army, an organization that Goku has been facing off against since he was a child.

Producer on the game Tomoko Hiroki described how involved Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama’s was in designing Android 21 stating: “We basically said what the character was, such as her gender and her personality. We said what kind of character we wanted, and gave Toriyama the plot. Then, he was able to freely draw the character.”

Developers would also show art and footage of the game to Toei, responsible for animating the series, and Shueisha, responsible for publishing the manga, for overall guidance in making the characters and overall Dragon Ball universe as close to the original material as possible. While Android was designed for Dragon Ball FighterZ, Hiroki said she would be happy if the character became popular enough to make the leap to the Dragon Ball anime.

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