14 Totally Vital Life Lessons Anime Taught Us All

Anyone who loves anime knows it’s not just about hyper cute, ocularly engorged, school children in short skirts fighting demons with the power of cleavage.

But the good stuff has a lot to teach us in between the awesome Engrish tunes in the credits.

1. First of all, always read the terms and conditions. No matter what.

14 Totally Vital Life Lessons Anime Taught Us All

2. Don’t battle your inner demons — befriend them.

3. Does your fruit look weird? Just eat it. Don’t ask questions.

4. Screaming only makes you more powerful.

5. Oh, and changing into a cute outfit also gives you more power.

6. If you break rich people’s belongings, you’ll earn six hot boyfriends as a reward.

7. Never build a wall around anything, cause some big-ass naked guy is going to break it.

8. Don’t trust girls. They will just die on you.

9. Try to avoid attempting to become a god, k?

10. Evolution is fake because Pokémon are fake.

11. But if you try hard enough, anime is real.

12. REAL heroes never know what the hell is going on.

13. Boobs are the ultimate comic relief.

14. And everyone’s just as messed up as you are. If they say they aren’t, they’re lying.

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