Top 15 Anime Series of All Time

Anime could be a complicated medium, one riddled with landmines if you don’t educate yourself.

There are anime series out there carelessly crafted with one-dimensional characters and bogged down by shallow writing.

It doesn’t help convert any naysayers and it’s no fun for the experienced viewer to watch.

So, if you’re new to the anime world and you want to start off on the right foot, these 15 greatest anime series are the ones that you can’t miss.

15. Sword Art Online (2012)

As far as premises go, it’s tough to beat Sword Art Online.

The story follows Kirito, a beta tester for an anticipated virtual reality MMORPG, who must escape the perils of the virtual reality as the players are captured in its world.

The only way out is to defeat the final boss. Oh yeah, and death in the video game equates to death in the real world.

Awesome. Running 25 episodes, Sword Art Online doesn’t require a lifelong commitment like its anime brethren Naruto and One Piece.

14. Dragon Ball (1986)

If you’re a 1980s or 90s kid, chances are you grew up watching Dragon Ball every weekend.

While it may not hold up as well for fans who are now adults, it still carries a wonderful sense of nostalgia and child-like glee.

It’s fun, packed with adventure, and witnessing Goku’s transformation into what he eventually becomes in Dragon Ball Z is worth the watch alone.

If you’re a fan of DBZ and Dragon Ball GT, there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t give Dragon Ball a fair shake.

13. Death Note (2006)

Death Note (2006)


Death Note was inconsistent during its 37-episode run, but overall the story was gripping and unpredictable.

And while we would have enjoyed stronger characters to match the quality of the subject matter, the storyline is ultimately the most important aspect.

Possessing a notebook that has the ability to kill anyone whose name is written inside is an interesting premise, one that is explored to the fullest degree.

12. One Piece (1999)

One Piece (1999)


One Piece is loaded with adventure, action, touching moments and everything in-between.

It’s also loaded with, well, episodes.

The series is approaching 700 episodes and is ongoing, so a fair portion of its catalogue is reserved for filler—which has no effect on the main storyline and serves no purpose other than to buy time for the manga to produce additional volumes.

That being said, One Piece gets away with this by showcasing developed characters.

Luffy and Zoro lead the cast and as long as they’re on screen it’s bound to be a good time—and really, that’s what quality anime is all about.


11. Naruto (2002)

Naruto (2002)


Naruto is similar to Dragon Ball in that it started with a lighter tone before shifting to more action and darker subject matter in its follow-up series, Shippuden.

Naruto was long-running, too, airing 220 episodes—also with its fair share of filler, unfortunately.

Still, like One Piece, Naruto’s strength lies in its characters, and one advantage to stretching out the story is allowing your characters to develop more organically.

What made this anime so successful and still a classic are the characters inhabiting its world.

10. Naruto Shippuden (2007)

Naruto Shippuden (2007)

Naruto Shippuden is the more violent, bloodier successor of Naruto.

It follows the adventures of our whiskered hero now grown up and established as the strongest ninja in the village.

Yes, Naruto centers on ninjas. If you can’t dig that, this anime is not for you.

But more than that, its main themes revolve around friendship, personal growth and overcoming the odds during dark times.

As one would imagine, the fight scenes are thrilling and strengthened by a cast of characters viewers can invest in, which raises the stakes and leads to some heartbreaking developments.

9. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)

Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)


Fullmetal Alchemist is a classic. It’s hard to find two characters more relatable than Edward and Alphonse Elric.

The two embark on a quest to obtain the Philosopher’s Stone after a failed attempt at reviving their dead mother through the use of alchemy.

And that’s really the heart of Fullmetal Alchemist: how far would you go to help your loved ones?

It’s a wonderful story filled with elation, heartbreak and moral dilemmas.

While the action plays second fiddle to the story, it still thrills when Edward and Alphonse are forced to clash against some memorable foes.

8. Berserk (1997)

Berserk (1997)


Berserk is not for the faint of heart; it’s 625 minutes of non-stop graphic violence and character development.

While it only lasted 25 episodes, Berserk does a fine job of developing its characters and forcing viewers to care for their well-being.

It also tackles enlightening themes such as mortality, which isn’t common among animes.

Plus, the voiceovers are solid, and that’s a rarity in anime.

7. Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Hunter x Hunter (2011)


Hunter x Hunter debuted on television back in 1999 and had a 62-episode run.

It was well-received but also strayed from the manga once it reached a certain point—much like the original Fullmetal Alchemist.

In the reboot, however, the series followed the manga closely and came to an end in September 2014 after 148 episodes.

While Hunter x Hunter begins on a lighter note, it quickly transitions to bloody battles and meaningful character development.

6. Steins;Gate (2011)

Steins;Gate (2011)


Steins;Gate is a meticulously crafted anime series that revolves around the concept of time travel.

Steins;Gate not only adheres to the laws of physics and modern science, it crafts a clever story ripe with character development and drama.

While the series starts off slowly, akin to most series worth watching, it picks up the pace after a few episodes and every plot point starts to mend together.

5. Attack on Titan (2013)

Attack on Titan (2013)


Attack on Titan’s opening episode is so touching, heartbreaking and sets the pace for how the rest of the season plays out.

With no knowledge of the outside world, the inhabitants of a city surrounded by towering walls intend to live out their days protected from the titans, who are gigantic monstrosities that devour humans for pleasure.

Utilizing maneuver gear that launches grappling hooks, those who defend the city walls battle titans in thrilling aerial battles.

The animation is fantastic, the action is awesome, the voiceovers are superb and the story begs to be unravelled.

It would be a crime not to continue this series with the outside world yet to be explored.

4. Dragon Ball Z (1996)

Dragon Ball Z (1996)


Dragon Ball Z is a timeless classic and if you disagree you’re probably a bad person.

Some may say that the story is preposterous, the characters are eccentric and it had its fair share of filler before the Kai version came along.

But DBZ is just plain ol’ fun and  splendid.

The fight scenes span several episodes—well into the double digits—and have men of various races flying through mountains and punching and kicking each other at lightning speed.

Oh, that’s not enough? Well, they can fire energy blasts out of their hands, too. Awesome.

3. Cowboy Bebop (1998)

Cowboy Bebop (1998)


What makes Cowboy Bebop so special is that it accomplishes so much in so little time.

It aired in 27 episodes, each filled to the brim with character development, action, adventure, and a blend of various genres.

To put it simply, Cowboy Bebop plays by its own rules, much like its protagonist bounty hunters.

The animation is top notch, too, which is evident during the aerial battles, car chases and shoot-outs you’ll experience during the bittersweet ride—bitter in that it ends so abruptly.

Still, Cowboy Bebop should be the gold standard for brief anime series.

2. Code Geass (2006)

Code Geass (2006)


Code Geass is something special. It’s the amalgamation of every anime you have ever loved.

Better yet, its main character Lelouch is one of the most complicated and multi-faceted anime characters ever created.

He’s an anti-hero, so he’s not your typical good guy, but the series is worth watching for his development alone.

In fact, every character in Code Geass will surprise you at some point or another.

And the story has plenty of twists and turns and political intrigue to keep you hooked until the very end.

1. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)


That’s right, Fullmetal Alchemist has made the list twice.

And that’s because Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood is everything the original series was but better.

While the series starts out almost exactly like its predecessor, the story soon takes a drastic turn as new characters are introduced and the story changes completely.

It’s at this point where Brotherhood truly shines and takes it place atop the anime kingdom.

The animation, voiceovers, action, story and character development are all top notch, and the series checks all the same marks that made the original such a classic.

Believe it or not, these 15 anime are absolutely worth your time.


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