Gintama anime entering the critically acclaimed Assassination Arc this December

Anime based on a successful manga series sometimes run into an awkward situation where they have to use “filler episodes” in order to give the manga time to add more story. These episodes are generally more of the same stuff fans already love, but in the back of their mind, they know nothing truly groundbreaking can happen in them.

Gintama is a special case though since the series is quite episodic and those in charge of the anime are free to add their own additional stories. Which is probably why one of the best stories from the original manga hasn’t made it to air yet. Gintama fans don’t have to wait too much longer, though, as the Assassination Arc is finally making its debut on TV this December.

The first episode of the Assassination Arc will air on December 2, but there has been no announcement yet about how many episodes it will run. In the manga, the arc ran from chapter 502 to 524 and was compiled into three collected volumes. The show runners know how important this story is to the fans and they have released a piece of promotional artwork ahead of the actual episodes.

The arc focuses on the plot to assassinate Shogun Shige Shige Tokugawa and the ensuing countermeasure of relocating the ruler from Edo to Kyo. Such an important figure requires top-notch security and planning, with body doubles and multiple travel plans in place to fool enemies. Series protagonist Gintoki is recruited as one of the doubles and fans know that it’s from here that the story really takes off.

▼ Serious writing for a generally non-serious show

Noted as one of the most important story arcs in the manga, the Japanese voice actor for Gintoki can’t wait for the fans to see it, describing it as, “deeply moving”. Anticipation and excitement is running high for these episodes, so even if you aren’t a fan, make sure you tune in this coming December to find out what all the fuss is about!

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