One Piece Manga 900 Predictions & Spoiler「ワンピース ネタバレ」 第900話

The scans for the latest One Piece chapter will be out in the next couple of days, and we might even get One Piece 900 Raw as soon as tomorrow. The One Piece Manga 900 spoilers will be out tomorrow most probably, and so I decided to talk about the upcoming chapter in this post.

First things first, One Piece will be hitting 900 chapters in the next issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. This is a great achievement for One Piece, and Eiichiro Oda himself. To be able to maintain consistency for so long is something that deserves praise, and not many mangaka are able to do it for so long, at such a high level. With that being said, let’s head into predictions for Chapter 900.

I think this chapter is definitely going to be a great one, and that’s because Oda will likely have planned something huge for this. He has dragging out the arc just for this chapter, and we have final arrived here, meaning something great will happen, more likely than not. I think the biggest part of the chapter is going to be focused on Big Mom and the cake. She has been chasing the cake for about 30 chapters now, and it would make sense for her to be able to eat it in the next chapter. She may even be interrupted by someone. However, the chances of her not eating the cake are too low. I think Big Mom will eat the cake, and she’ll like it a lot. This is make her pass out, and return to full strength as well.

On the other hand, I feel like the Strawhat Pirates will struggle to fight against Smoothie and Daifuku’s fleet. I think Sanji and Daifuku will exchange a couple of blows again, and we might even see Sanji doing something new that we haven’t seen him do before. Again, Jinbe might get even more undeserved spotlight in this chapter, but maybe that’s just me. Furthermore, I think Pekoms might be involved in this chapter, in one way or another.

Stussy and Morgans look to have escaped, but I seriously doubt that. Many people believe that a Buster Call might happen, and I would love to see them go against Big Mom at full strength just to see them get ripped apart. Anyway, that’s my thoughts on Chapter 900 of One Piece. What do you think will happen? Let me know in the comments section below.

You can read and download latest One Piece manga 900 on Viz Media’s Official One Piece site.


One Piece Manga Chapter 900 is just around the corner, and today, I’m going to discuss the upcoming chapter with you guys. Before I begin with this post, i want to warn you guys about the spoilers that this post contains. While the official spoilers aren’t out, this post may have potential spoilers, so there’s always a risk of coming across a spoiler.

Where to Download One Piece Manga?

You can download and read One Piece manga on Viz Media‘s Official Site for One Piece

If you want to avoid spoilers, please stop reading here. However, if you don’t mind being spoiled, let’s continue. One Piece Chapter 899 was a very fast paced chapter, with many things happening at once, at the same time. Luffy and Sanji finally arrived on the Sunny, and Chopper looked after Luffy’s wounds. Smoothie’s fleet attacked the Thousand Sunny, but was intercepted by Vinsmoke Judge. On the other hand, Daifuku attacked as well, but he was stopped in his efforts by Sanji alone.

Elsewhere, Big Mom arrived at Puffs Island, and Bege dropped the cake there. Stussy and Morgan’s made an escape in the last chapter of One Piece. We didn’t get to see what happened to the Vinsmokes in the last chapter, and that’s basically all that happened. One Piece Chapter 900 is going to be a huge one. With the manga officially hitting 900 chapters, I think Oda definitely has something huge planned for this chapter. Before anything happens, I really believe that Big Mom will finally eat the cake in One Piece Chapter 900. We have waited for about 30 or so chapters for this to happen, and I feel like it has to happen sooner or later.

On the other, the Vinsmokes haven’t been seen in the last chapter. So there’s a chance we’ll see them in the upcoming chapter. I think Daifuku will definitely continue his assaults on Sunny, and Sanji will have to keep blocking them. I don’t think there is going to be an all out fight between Sanji and Daifuku, but I expect a few more exchanges. Furthermore, we don’t know how Big Mom is going to react after eating the cake. I definitely want to see her back at full power, but she will definitely not fight the Strawhats. We’ll see her do something unpredictable, and I definitely believe that Big Mom and the Strawhats won’t be enemies when the arc ends. That’s all I think will happen in One Piece Chapter 900.

Do you have anything specific in mind for One Piece Chapter 900? Let me know in the comments section below.


Ichiji destroyed Charlotte Oven, who was looking a really serious threat. However, Ichiji put on his skills for display. He easily beat Charlotte Oven. Vinsmoke Niji is arguably the fastest character in the series till date.

The Straw Hats were trying to escape however, Big Mom’s fleet was there to greet them. Charlotte Daifuku and Charlotte Smoothie were present. The Straw Hats don’t have any character who can beat Smoothie right now. Luffy is tired from his fight with Charlotte Katakuri.

So, it will be a big issue. It looked like the end was drawing near for the Straw Hats, however, the Sun Pirates came in to rescue them. If you remember, the latest Straw Hat, Jinbe, used to be the captain of the Sun Pirates.

Wadatsumi came in and stopped the onslaught. Now moving towards One Piece Chapter 900. In this chapter, Big Mom will probably eat the cake, which was prepared by Sanji. The taste of the cake calms down Big Mom and she stops her rampage.

Suddenly, Big Mom falls down. She becomes unconscious. Right now Big Mom is vulnerable, seeing this as a great opportunity, the CP0 and the Marines might try to attack the Big Mom Pirates. This would be the perfect opportunity to bring down Big Mom Pirates as they don’t have the quality to fight against the higher ranked Marine officials.

Among all this chaos, the Straw Hats will probably escape. The arrival of the Marines and the Cipher Pol came as a blessing in disguise for the Straw Hat Pirates. The likelihood of getting a Buster Call in the upcoming chapters has increased. All of this is my own opinion and you are free to disagree with it.

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