Zoro and his connection to the Wano Country

I’ve seen a lot of people talking about Zoro’s backstory and Wano, several of whom said they would like it if Zoro was a descendant of a great Wano Samurai or something.

Personally I wouldn’t like that since I feel it would invalidate a lot of Zoro’s dedication and effort, but I do have an idea how Oda will characterize and tie him into Wano: his dojo.

Its owner Koshiro is either a great exiled samurai or a descendant of one. That would explain a lot of “loose ends” with his dojo like:

Why Zoro’s teacher Koshiro is clearly very samurai inspired;

Why the dojo itself is very traditional japanese, when it isn’t seen anywhere in One Piece apart from Wano;

It would explain Kuina’s insane strength despite being a child and a woman (she was said to be stronger and better than adults at the time);

It would explain why the dojo had one of the 21 great swords as an heirloom;

And it would give Zoro an incredibly relevant and important tie to Wano that could be expanded on without removing part of what makes him cool: the fact that he’s just some guy with swords and a dream.

*Theory by LilDodecee

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