9 Male Anime Characters Who Are Even More Charismatic Than the Females

Handsome, cute, fine, gorgeous…is not enough to describe these male characters in anime.

These 9 male anime characters have several things going for them that makes them beautiful: their aloofness, their hair, a certain design on their face, the way they tease with words or caress her face, even how they move in action scenes.

1. Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss

Tomoe is not only deadly alluring with a charming smile and wicked long white hair.

2. Usui Takumi from Maid Sama

Aside from having blond hair, having a half British heritage and knowing exactly what seductive words to use and make Misaki blush- Usui loves alone, has keen fashion sense and is only vulnerable to Misaki’s punches and screams of “We hate you!”

3.Van Fanel from Visions of Escaflowne

Van Fanel may seem brutal and moody, but those are passionate terms for someone in love with their beloved Fanelia and the precious planet Gaea.

He is also half Draconian so he has these enormous beautiful white wings that he must keep hidden, and when he opens them up- one word: gorgeous.

4. Yamato Kurosawa from Say I Love You

Not only is he probably the most handsomely drawn men in manga/anime, Yamato has a heart.

5. Ichigo Kurasaki from Bleach

With high speed combat and enhanced spiritual awareness- watching him fight and improve is one thing.

But those eyes and that orange hair and the fact that he started going to dojo just to protect his sisters and mother makes him such a beautiful character.

6. Sano Izumi from Hana Kimi

Just like Usui in “Maid Sama”, Sano knows Mizuki’s secret early in the series and protects that secret loyally.

This is a characteristic of someone to trust and to fall in love with.

7. Sesshomaru from Inuyasha

His facial markings and long white, hair are simply stunning and even more so with that purple crescent moon in the middle of his forehead.

8. Kakashi Hatake from Naruto

His shock of silver hair and mask covering his face diagonally enhances the intrigue we feel watching him in action- go Kakashi!

9. Kanou from Maid Sama

Kanou has a rare gift: he can hypnotize people and make them feel whatever he wants them to feel.

Of course the ever handsome, ever stalker-ish Usui came to Misaki’s rescue, but nothing is more cuter than when Kanou is forced to wear rabbit ears and help the maids out at their school festival.



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