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Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be


Snape has literally never been so precious.

Warner Bros licensed the first-ever collection of anime Harry Potter characters and they’re everything you’d hope they’d be.

Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be

The anime version of Harry Potter characters in the set of these 13 trading cards are almost too much to handle.

Take Hermione and Ron for example.

Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be

Look at that sassy little foot kick.

Or there’s this adorably judgy Severus and beard-stroking Dumbledore.

Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be

So much wisdom in that beard.



Each card is currently priced equally at 378 yen, or .15.

Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be

Unfortunately though, unless you live in Japan, you’ll have to wait a little while longer to order them.

Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be

We know, it sucks you can’t have this snide little Draco yet in your hands yet.

Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be

But for now, just think about these two adorably skeptical little guys to get you through.

Anime Versions of Harry Potter Characters are Everything You Hope Them to Be

It’ll all be over before you know it.

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