These are the Top 20 Musical Anime, according to Goo

Music has always played an important part in any entertainment industry, and in the anime industry, several music-themed series has already taken prominence. Japanese media website, Goo, which has previously taken a look at the best idol anime, has also asked its fans which musical anime is their favorite.

Like the the best idol anime ranking, 500 people were polled, 250 of which were male, while another 250 were female. Here is what they had to say:

20) Bremen 4 : Angels in Hell

19) Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch

18, 17, 16 tie) Pretty Rhythm, Tari Tari, and Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica

15) Bakumatsu Rock

14) Sensual Phrase

13) Symphogear

12) The iDOLM@STER

11) Uta no Prince-sama

10/9 tie) Suite Precure

10/9 tie) Your Lie in April

8) Kids on the Slope

7) Piano Forest

6) Detroit Metal City

5) La Corda D’oro

4) Nana

3) Macross Frontier

2) K-On!

1) Nodame Cantabile

Romance anime, Nodame Cantibile pulls one from under the nose of heavy favorite, K-on! in this Goo! ranking. The Japanese seem to have a lot of love for classical music as four of the Top 10 all featured classical music, including the #1.

While only taking #2, K-On! still remains as a powerhouse in the musical genre and is proving to be one of the most well known. Meanwhile, the highest ranking idol anime is Macross Frontier at #3, with iDOLM@STER only placing at #12. Meanwhile, Love Live! is nowhere to be found in the Top 20. For a list of Goo’s Top idol anime, you can check it out through this link.

Meanwhile, rockers can find themselves with Nana at #4 and Detroit Metal City at #6. Which musical anime do you like best?