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If Hayao Miyazaki Films Were Like Other Anime


For many people, the name “Hayao Miyazaki” is synonymous with the word “anime.”

Today, after produced classic after classic after classic over the course of his nearly five-decade career in animation, Hayao Miyazaki is finally be honored with a well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Oscar at this year’s Governoes Awards.

As a master filmmaker, Miyazaki has a fairy consistent style of storytelling and animation. If you watch a fair amount of anime, you’ll easily notice the difference.

However, have you ever wondered that would it be a better world if Miyazaki classics ike “My Neighbour Totoro” or “Princess Mononoke” were drawn and told in the style of “Dragon Ball Z” or “Sailor Moon”?

Here’s College Humor video, which imagines Miyazaki’s films as though he wasn’t original and imitated other shows, including Naruto, Voltron, Sailor Moon, and Pokémon:

Well, at least I don’t think it would be a good idea, though the video it’s so hilarious!

In fact, Hayao Miyazaki has a wondrous, melancholy world of himself. Just like these adorable supporting cretures in his movie, every single one has its own soul.


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