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15 times artists turned Game of Thrones into a kickass anime


With its larger-than-life characters, high-octane action, and fantastical setting, there truly isn’t all that much separating HBO’s Game of Thrones from a standard anime. In the void left from Season 7, people keep trying to figure out how the world of Westeros will survive as a spinoff series and these fanartists make a pretty strong case that the best way to keep the story going might be as a kickass anime.

1. “A Girl Has No Name”

Credit IsaacHein3

2. A Lannister Family Portrait

Credit siuuu

3. Moe-Style Daenerys and Her Children

Credit knighthead

4. Sansa and Littlefinger

Credit The straw

5. Jon and Arya Reunited, Manga Style

Credit Sakurada

6. Team Dragonstone

Credit DAISY

7. Arya and the Hound

Credit Danusko

8. Ned and Catelyn

Credit West

9. “Collecting My Favorite Grandfathers”

Credit Tattoo

10. Young Robb Stark and Jon Snow

Credit shadowfree99

11. “It’s n-n-not like I WANT you to bend the knee, baka!”

Credit sbalac

12. Futurepunk Daenerys

Credit Ross Tran

13. Shireen Baratheon and Lyanna Mormont

Credit Lwd

14. Team Arya

Credit elliesky

15. King Tommen and Queen Margaery

Credit Hadibou

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