‘SSSS.Gridman’ Anime Fans Are Ruining the Life of an Actor

Studio Trigger’s SSSS.Gridman was a huge hit last season and it revived interest in the obscure Gridman the Hyper Agent live-action series. It’s also ruining the life of the original show’s star actor.

Masaya Obi starred as Naoto Sho, the main character of Gridman the Hyper Agent. Obi retired from acting shortly after the series’ conclusion and he’s been running a restaurant ever since.

Obi has kept a low profile for most of his life, but he decided to jump on Twitter to connect with SSSS.Gridman fans — he even has a short voice cameo in the anime! However, he has come to regret the decision.

Shortly after promoting his restaurant on Twitter, anime fans took to prank calls and asking if he’ll replace the biker aesthetic with Gridman memorabilia. Fans also tried to coordinate mass get-togethers for unwanted photo-ops or help up the restaurant’s phone lines asking Gridman questions.

Masaya Obi starred in all 39 episodes of ‘Gridman the Hyper Agent.’

All of the interference has caused a drop in reservations, and Obi is worried that he’ll have to shutter the doors due to falling revenue.

To help undo the damage, Obi has disconnected the restaurant’s phone line, made its location private on tabelog, removed it from Facebook’s search engine, and deleted his Twitter account.

In a final Tweet, Obi explained that while he understands SSSS.Gridman fans’ enthusiasm, he doesn’t want the anime fans to overwhelm his regular customers or to change the biker theme to accommodate fans that may only visit once.

Obi concluded that “blocking fans is easy, but I don’t want to that.” Instead, he’s staying off social media and hopes that reservations get back to normal.

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