Shichibukai – Age and Height

D: I have a question for Odacchi! If you look at the Shichibukai on page 172-173 of volume 56, it seems they are all very tall. So please tell me how tall all of the Shichibukai are and how old!P.N. Keita

O: I get it. Age and height, right? I’m including Crocodile, so here are the 8 of them, in height order.

Moriah: 48 years, 692 cm

Kuma: 45 years, 689 cm

Teach: 38 years, 344 cm

Doflamingo: 39 years, 305 cm

Jinbe: 44 years, 301 cm

Crocodile: 44 years, 253 cm

Mihawk: 41 years, 198 cm

Hancock: 29 years, 191 cm

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